Dry Needling

Dry Needling and Pain Relief

Chronic pain can be debilitating. It can come from car accidents, underlying medical conditions, or stiff muscles and joints. Many people might use traditional methods to treat pain, including medication or surgery, but these treatments might not work and can come with harmful side effects. Dry needling is an approach to pain management that is used as an alternative to traditional approaches. Dr. Mark Hanson, D.C., L.Ac. in Dallas, TX, performs dry needling for pain relief. We at East West Acupuncture & Chiropractic are here to help. Here are some things to know about dry needling.


What Is Dry Needling?

Dry needling involves inserting thin needles into various trigger points throughout the body to alleviate muscle tension, back pain, neck pain, or any other trigger points of discomfort. Dry needling differs from acupuncture because its methodology is different. The needles are very thin and solid compared to standard injection needles because they do not inject any substance into the body. The dry needling approach is aimed at stimulating the natural healing processes within the body by stimulating the affected tissue (usually a myofascial trigger point. There is minimal risk of dry needling, but you can have some soreness or discomfort following treatment.

Conditions Dry Needling Treats

Dry Needling can be used for an array of conditions and pain management. Common ailments that dry needling can be used for including neck pain, back pain, tendonitis, headaches, knee pain, arthritis, and more. Any person with pain and/or muscle spasms/trigger points might be able to benefit from dry needling, which can also be great for those who participate in sports. When you visit our office, we will provide a treatment plan to help you address all of your pain spots.

Chiropractic Care

Dr. Hanson strives to get to the root cause of your problem, instead of just treating your symptoms. Our care is natural and it can help you to avoid the long recovery times that can come from surgery and the potential addictiveness of drugs. Dr. Hanson may use different types of treatments in addition to dry needling to help you get the pain relief and pain management you may be looking for.

Help Get Pain Relief from Our Chiropractor for Neck Pain and Back Pain

If you are looking for a new approach to pain management, dry needling could be for you. Dr. Hanson is dedicated to creating a positive and comfortable experience for you. Contact the office today to book your dry needling appointment. We can't wait to help you manage and eliminate your pain. East West Acupuncture & Chiropractic in Dallas, TX, is here to help. Call us at (972) 243-0022 for more information.

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